LG Sonic SSS For Small Ponds

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LG Sonic SSS for small ponds
The LG Sonic SSS is the perfect solution to treat small private ponds against algal growth. Because the units are easy to install and maintain, it provides you with the perfect solution to enjoy your private pond without the need to clean and refresh the water frequently. The LG Sonic SSS can be applied in small ponds with a maximum length of 10 meters.

Benefits of LG Sonic® algae control in ponds: 

Reduces and controls algae in golf course ponds in an efficient, cost-effective manner.
Keeps your golf course pond in optimal condition without the need to maintain the pond frequently.
Low maintenance and easy to install. 
Can also work on solar power. 
Reduces toxins by enhancing the degradation rate of toxins produced by the blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), but primarily by the control of blue-green algae itself. 
Does not harm water plants, fish, frogs, zooplankton, prawns and other types of life present in the water. 
Does not harm the ecosystem. 
100% environmentally friendly. 
Low energy consumption
Does not need chemicals.
Manuals Specs and Guide for LG Sonic SSS

Thursday, October 28, 2010 , , ,

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